Understanding your planting season is a crucial aspect of efficiently growing mouth-watering vegetables and fruits well-suited for your area.
Not only is growing your plants inexpensive, but also you get to enjoy more fresh foods from the farm. Also having the know-how of what types of food thrive in your area assists in shunning frustrations that might be caused by growing plants that are not suitable hence engaging in losses, wastage of money, and time.
If you are lucky enough to reside in a warm climate throughout the entire year, then you need to introduce zone 11 plants that tend to thrive in the hotter zones.
In this article, we are going to explore which kind of crops are suitable to be grown on the zone 11 plants and their interesting gardening tips.
Zone 11 Gardening
If you live in a zone 11 area, you happen to experience a sweltering round climate which usually has an average minimum temperature of 40-50 degrees.
In this type of location, you can grow your plants all year-round. You can choose to plant your cool-weather crops in the course of the winter season months and an indefinite long planting season for warm weather crops.
Succession planting is often practiced within the mild temperatures which translate to a long planting season. The biggest challenge you might undergo while growing the zone 11 plants is ensuring that they remain well-water from the scorching heat and sun.
Ensure that you grow your crops in a way that they are protected by a type of shade, especially during the hottest time of the day. This can easily be achieved by planting the taller crops next to the shorter crops to shield them from the direct heat and sun hence naturally providing shade. You can also decide to grow your crops next to a tree so it to easily cast its shade amid the hottest part of the day.
Container gardening has also proved successful by physically being able to move your plants during high temperatures.
To take good care of your soil and mulch efficiently you need to learn the correct watering techniques to ensure that the soil remains moist and cool at all times and that your crops receive sufficient water.
Keep watch on the invasion of pests to your crops as well. Compounding the problem of dealing with high heat temperatures and pests’ invasion can be detrimental to your crops.
Which types of crops to grow in climate zone 11?
Citrus fruits and tropical trees often thrive in the warm weather climate such as the guava trees, kiwi, lychee, and other numerous potential options. All types of citrus fruits flourish in zone 11 climatic conditions from lime fruits to orange trees. Also, banana trees and avocados tend to do well in warm weather conditions.
Research has it that this kind of climate does not have any frost days hence you can practically plant your crops outside at any time of the year. Regardless of the climate condition, you should put into consideration growing your plants during the late winter or cooler temperatures so that they can start growing before the extreme summer heat hits. Tropical fruits such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers tend to flourish more because they are naturally heated and tolerant.
Due to extreme heat climatic conditions, it is advisable to discover possible alternative techniques of gardening. Zone 11 plants often tend to offer numerous possibilities regardless of their limitations.