The Professional AC Maintenance Checklist of Things to Address

The Professional AC Maintenance Checklist of Things to Address

With summer around the corner, average temperatures throughout the USA are increasing. As such, the air conditioning units in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are starting to be used heavily and thus, higher rates of failure. So, when these units fail and need repair, an individual need to undertake air conditioning maintenance Colorado springs. One major aspect of HAVC maintenance is to perform an inspection of the AC and the start of summer is the right time to do the same. This article talks about the air conditioner maintenance checklist of important things to address.

Check and clean condensate drain line

This ensures that the condensate line in the air conditioner is clean and clear. A clogged drain line can cause water leaks and other moisture and wetness issues. To prevent bacteria water, and mold accumulate in and around the HAVC system, it is recommended to contact the agency providing air conditioning maintenance Colorado springs service so that the drain line can be checked and cleared. Also, the HAVC maintenance contractor will be able to repair or replace the leaking condensate drain pans, if any. 

Thermostat Settings

This makes sure that the thermostat is installed properly and also is away from all heat sources including light bulbs, solar rays, and heat-producing appliances. 

Check system controls

Checking the system controls makes sure the proper cycling and safe operations are being conducted in the HAVC system. In addition to this, don’t forget to check if the system is starting, operating, and shutting off properly. 

Tighten all electrical connections

For a better functional air conditioner, the electrical connections need to operate properly. Checking and tightening electrical connections helps in improving the lifespan of the heating and cooling system. 

Lubricate moving parts

Lubricating moving parts of the AC make sure that no unnecessary damage is being caused to these parts due to friction. It is the lack of lubrication that causes system parts to break down more frequently which further requires repairs or replacements time and again. 

Inspect, clean, and change the air filter

Inspecting, cleaning and changing air filters make sure that an individual has a working and clean air filter suitable for the existing air conditioner. Although one can change the air filter, it is advisable to hire a professional HAVC contractor as he is an expert in pointing out a better filter for a particular system. 

Fix refrigerant leaks and recharge refrigerant

Fixing refrigerant leaks and recharging refrigerant ensures the appropriate air conditioner’s refrigerant charge and also that it meets the specifications of a manufacturer- too much or too little refrigerant can cause problems with the moving parts of the AC, including the condenser as well as compressor. 


This air conditioning maintenance colorado springs checklist covers many of the basic AC maintenance issues that can be easily addressed by a non-professional. But if the air conditioner is beyond the maintenance by a non-expert, it is recommended to contact a professional AC repair and maintenance technician. Such technicians are experts in repairing HAV systems and thus, increasing their lifespan. 


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